About ERT

The European Round Table for Industry (ERT) has a long history of promoting competitiveness and prosperity in Europe.  In April 1983, 17 leading European business leaders came together to launch ERT.  They were then, as we are now, united by a belief that European co-operation between industry, policymakers and all stakeholders is essential to strengthen Europe’s place in the world.

Today, ERT Members include CEOs and Chairs from around 55 of Europe’s largest companies in the industrial and technological sector. We are committed to creating a strong, open and competitive Europe through which we promote sustainable growth, jobs and prosperity for all.

We publish reports and papers, which we share with the public, decision makers in European and global institutions and national governments. They are the basis for discussion and action. We advocate policies that underpin the values of freedom, tolerance, equality and openness.


Our Member companies represent

  • 5 million direct jobs globally
  • €2,000 billion combined revenues
  • €50 billion investment in R&D each year

How ERT Works

  • ERT Members meet twice a year in Plenary Session, the principal ERT decision-making body, where key issues are identified and discussed.
  • ERT Members nominate an Associate. An Associates Meeting precedes each Plenary Session.
  • Working Groups are chaired by ERT Members and composed by Associates and company experts. They work on key issues, develop recommendations and report back to the Plenary Session.

ERT has 7 Working Groups:

Competition Policy Competition Policy
Competitiveness & Innovation Competitiveness & Innovation
Digital Transformation Digital Transformation
Energy Transition & Climate Change Energy Transition & Climate Change
Finance & Tax Finance & Tax
Jobs, Skills & Impact Jobs, Skills & Impact
Strengthening Europe’s Place in the World Strengthening Europe’s Place in the World
Trade & Market Access Trade & Market Access
Frank Heemskerk face shot

Frank Heemskerk

ERT Secretary General

Frank Heemskerk was appointed Secretary General of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) on 1 January 2019.

Frank Heemskerk graduated with an economics degree in 1994 from the University of Amsterdam and had spent an Erasmus year in Leuven, Belgium.  Soon after, he began his career at ABN AMRO Bank where he held various positions until 2003, when he pursued a career in politics.  Between 2003 and 2006, he was a Member of Parliament for the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) and, between 2007 and 2010, was Minister for Foreign Trade, also responsible for Telecoms & IT, SMEs and the better regulations agenda.

Since retiring from national politics, Frank Heemskerk has held various professional positions. Between 2013 and 2018, he was an Executive Director of the World Bank, where he also chaired the World Bank Group Audit Committee. He sat on the Executive Board of Royal HaskoningDHV (2011-2013), a global engineering and project management consultancy.

Since November 2018 Frank Heemskerk has been a visiting lecturer in Geo-Economics at Leiden University, faculty of Governance & Global Affairs.

He is married with a daughter and a son, loves reading and football, and – like many Dutch citizens – is an enthusiastic cyclist.

ERT Secretariat

Frank Heemskerk face shot

Frank Heemskerk

Secretary General

Competitiveness & Innovation Trade & Market Access
Philippe Adriaenssens face shot

Philippe Adriaenssens

Policy Director

Carol Berghmans face shot

Carol Berghmans

Management Assistant

Rita Rasschaert face shot

Rita Rasschaert

Finance Manager

Bert D’Hooghe face shot

Bert D’Hooghe

Policy Director

Inge Daelman face shot

Inge Daelman

Project Coordinator

Robert O’Meara face shot

Robert O’Meara

Communications Director

Hanno Woelm face shot

Hanno Woelm

Policy Director

Christine Reynaert face shot

Christine Reynaert

Executive Assistant