Flagship Publications

14 November 2023
Competition Policy Strengthening Europe's Place in the World Energy Transition & Climate Change Competitiveness & Innovation Finance & Tax Digital Transformation Trade & Market Access

Competing at Scale: EU Competition Policy fit for the Global Stage

Leaders of some of Europe’s largest employers have today called for an EU competition policy which would allow European businesses to compete successfully at scale in today’s globalised and fast-moving...
3 April 2019
Trade & Market Access

Business leaders from U.S., Europe and Japan support a revitalized multilateral trade system

Washington, Brussels, Tokyo - In a joint statement, the U.S.-based Business Roundtable (BRT), the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) and KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation) shared their support for the trilateral...
20 December 2018
Competition Policy

Shaping Competition Policy in the Era of Digitisation

In the digital economy, business models are focused on ecosystems of platforms. The amount of data that can now be processed and the power of algorithms can bring great benefits...
20 December 2017
Competitiveness & Innovation

Benchmarking Report 2017

The ERT Benchmarking Report presents with key figures a comprehensive overview of the main policy issues followed by industry leaders. This new edition highlights with more than 70 charts and...
3 November 2017
Digital Transformation

Proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation

The reform of the current ePrivacy Directive, as one of the key initiatives of the Digital Single Market strategy, is of utmost importance for ERT Members. We are however concerned...
13 September 2017
Energy Transition & Climate Change

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8 September 2017
Jobs, Skills & Impact Digital Transformation

Building and transforming skills for a digital world

The ongoing digitisation of society and business enables new ways of living, producing and consuming. Some speak of a Fourth Industrial Revolution as new technologies disrupt current business models and...
30 May 2017
Competition Policy

Best practices in international merger control

ERT conducted a consultation exercise among its Member companies in October/November 2016 in order to gather feedback on their experiences of merger control internationally. This feedback has been distilled into...
12 May 2017
Digital Transformation

Building the European Data Economy

ERT welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on Building the European Data Economy, which constitutes one of the final deliverables announced in the Digital Single Market Strategy in May 2015. As...
27 January 2017
Competitiveness & Innovation

Benchmarking Report 2016

The 2016 edition of the ERT Benchmarking Report presents a comprehensive grading of Europe in the global context in terms of competitiveness, trade and investment, innovation, digital economy, energy and climate, employment...

Our Focus

ERT was born out of a desire for concerted and decisive action to create stronger economic cooperation across Europe. Our ambition remains the same: to promote sustainable growth and prosperity in Europe. We have eight focus areas dedicated to subjects that culminate in delivering practical advice to policymakers and governments.

Strengthening Europe’s Place in the World

The European Union has benefited its citizens economically and socially, regardless of the current challenges.

Competitiveness & Innovation

European companies and their employees are under increasing pressure from international competition.

Competition Policy

Unfair trading practices as well as the increasing dominance of global companies originating in the East and West are threatening Europe’s economy.

Digital Transformation

The digital transformation of industry is a critical factor for Europe’s competitiveness, growth and jobs.

Energy Transition & Climate Change

The EU has taken a global lead in climate action - climate neutrality and global competitiveness must be mutually reinforcing.

Finance & Tax

Europe must become a more attractive destination for doing business and making investments.

Jobs, Skills & Impact

Europe’s greatest asset is its people and their diversity. We focus on bridging the skills gap and building an inclusive company culture.

Trade & Market Access

Free trade is one of the founding principles of the EU, and we need to take a stand to protect and preserve it.