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DiscoverOur Focus Areas

ERT is a group of business leaders from 55 of Europe’s largest employers and revenue generators.  We want to help build a sustainable future for Europe that is strong, open and competitive.

We see the EU and its Single Market as a driver for growth and prosperity.  Our activities focus on the following core areas.

Strengthening Europe’s Place in the World

In addition to the invaluable achievements of peace and cultural exchange, the Single Market has created a wider choice of goods and services at lower costs.

Competitiveness & Innovation

European companies and their employees are under increasing pressure from international competition. To maintain our position in the world, Europe needs to keep pace with global developments, being smarter and more sustainable.

Competition Policy

Unfair trading practices as well as the increasing dominance of global companies originating in the East and the West are threatening Europe’s economy. EU Competition Policy is central to the functioning of the internal market and is one of our most powerful tools to ensure a level playing field for all European companies.

Digital Transformation

The digitalisation and connectivity of the economy and society, and more specifically the digital transformation of industry is a critical factor for Europe’s competitiveness, growth and jobs.

Energy Transition & Climate Change

As we continue to experience rising sea levels and extreme weather events globally, governments and society are coming to terms with the reality of climate change and the potential political, security and economic implications.

Finance & Tax

Europe must become a more attractive destination for doing business and making investments. The Finance & Tax working group seeks to shape the sustainable finance agenda as well as reporting and taxation issues.

Jobs, Skills & Impact

Europe’s greatest asset is its people and their diversity. Europe cannot afford to waste talent. People - no matter their gender, cultural differences or background - should be able to find a job, develop and stay active.

Trade & Market Access

Free trade is one of the founding principles of the EU, and we need to take a stand to protect and preserve it. Fair global trade should be underpinned by rules that everyone respect.