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News, Press Releases and StatementsMedia

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Inge Daelman

Project Coordinator

Press Releases

Competitiveness & Innovation

Economic Confidence Survey – Spring 2019

Delivering 5G and support for new technologies must be top priority for new Commission say Europe’s largest businesses

The new European Commission should prioritise digitalisation and completing the delivery of 5G networks, say Europe’s largest businesses. As European leaders prepare to discuss the composition of the new Commission at this week...

Trade & Market Access

Business leaders from U.S., Europe and Japan support a revitalized multilateral trade system

Washington, Brussels, Tokyo - In a joint statement, the U.S.-based Business Roundtable (BRT), the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) and KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation) shared their support for the trilateral effor...

Competitiveness & Innovation

Nobel laureates and business leaders urge for investment in EU research & innovation

Call for a minimum investment of €120 billion in Horizon Europe to maintain momentum

More than 20 Nobel Prize laureates and other international award winners have joined with over 40 leaders of Europe’s largest companies to urge political leaders across the EU to support an ambitious European research and innovati...